Hypnosis DeMystified

Overcoming Painful Pasts with Hypnosis

Episode Summary

In this episode I'm going to talk about how hypnosis helps us work through those painful moments from our past.

Episode Notes

In this episode I'm going to talk about how hypnosis helps us work through those painful moments from our past.

What kind of painful experiences can hypnosis help with? I'll share with you a few stories about how the unconscious mind's protection function can be a problem. The body can unconsciously activate the fight or flight response to an emotion, even when there is no immediate danger. I'll talk about how each individual's brains create a different belief about any traumatic experience. 

In this Episode:

1:25 - Painful Experiences

4:20 - The unconscious mind's protective function

8:30 - Fight or flight response

10:55 - Traumatic Experiences

13:15 - Healing the trauma through hypnosis


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